When you are a freelancer or freelancing artist and want to live in Germany, we will help you obtain the entry visa and/or residence permit. We can also assist you with extending your residence permit.
Here we show you how we can help you as a standard approach. Negotiating is imaginable. Follow the link of this sentence to learn how.
Do you want to work as a freelancer in Germany and want professional support? Then we recommend starting with the business test, because this is an initial consultation with a "+". The normal, i.e. spontaneous initial consultation, does not help because I only take into account what you ask me and what comes to my mind spontaneously. During the test, on the other hand, I will give your situation a good thought about what you are missing and how you can best/fastest/easiest reach your goal.
You are an artist and can prove this with a diploma? Fine! You need our services because almost all artists will be accepted when they show they meet the requirements. Please find our offer of services for you below.