Services for Non-EU Family Members of Europeans

As a direct family member of a European, you have the right to be in Europe. You do need a residence permit! Since you are a third-country national, you need to show your European status with a residence card. The most important thing to show is that the financial livelihood and full health insurance coverage are secured.

Our Service

Our assignment will be to:

  1. supply a checklist for any documents to be submitted, so that your application will be complete. Case deciders are extremely annoyed if anything evident is missing; however, sometimes, they might want more information,
  2. arrange an appointment at immigration,
  3. doublechecking supplementary documents, German authorities crave to have your story proven, I will make sure that you show correct and relevant data,
  4. write a supplementary letter to explain everything to the authority,
  5. Providing a summary of any new legal status at every relevant step in the process of applying for the card.

Our Fees

This assignment will cost € 600 flat ex VAT.

As service providers, we do not want to dictate the fees for our services. We are generally willing to negotiate. Click here to find out more.

Travel Costs

We are assuming you will be landing in Berlin. If not, we need no extra fees, only the travel costs reimbursed. I will need for every trip to your immigration office only 1.5 € per kilometer ex VAT – one-way distance. This reimbursement will cover the travel expenses. As this is a flat fee, it will contain the traveling costs, out-of-pocket expenses, and a minor and flat remuneration for lost “working time” due to traveling. It is optional that I travel. With around two weeks in advance, you can gladly change your mind. When I arrive in your area, we can gladly meet for a briefing on the appointment.

How to Assign us

Just click the first button for the initial consultation if you prefer to pre-discuss all with me. Otherwise, we look forward to your assignment.


Book your initial consultation


Hire us for the immigration of your non-EU relative

Tagged under: Private Immigration,
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