Services for Shareholding Directors

Shareholding Director and the business immigration services we offer for them

As a director of your own company or with a significant number of shares, immigration law considers you as a businessperson. This means you need a residence permit for self-employment (§21 I AufenthG). We will gladly help you establish your residence here. Training other colleagues in business immigration, Alexander has the most relevant experience to serve you to your best.

If you still need to incorporate, please start here with Please understand that your application as a businessperson will only be considered "possible" after the notary has been visited to start your company. When your company is open and running, this will be a powerful pull to Germany that the authorities will not so easily deny and let you live and operate your business in Germany. Just having a company is not interesting at all for immigration purposes.

A successfully running company is more interesting than a plan...

But if you are in a hurry, buy a ready-made company from our associate partner, Beam my Presence to Germany GmbH.

Our Services

Our services for business immigration will include:

  • drafting an employment contract that meets immigration expectations,
  • supplying a checklist for all documents to be submitted,
  • instruction at which office these documents are to be submitted,
  • streamlining supplementary documents,
  • negotiating legal follow-up questions from the authorities,
  • supplementary letter to persuade the authorities,
  • general instruction about the application proceedings (duration, fees, opening hours, etc.),
  • We will brief you how to prepare your appointment at the consulate which is practically the greatest barrier for your successful immigration.
  • whenever possible, we will either provide the mandatory application form or a link to an online form,
  • organizing an economist to provide you with a promising business plan,
  • studying and proofreading the business plan from the hired economist,
  • providing you with a letter on your legal status after every relevant step.

Business Plan

When applying for self-employment, i.e. running a corporation or a company, a business plan is mandatory. The business plan will be outsourced to an associated business consultant, an economist, as he has professional experience in planning businesses. Please understand that the Ministry of Economics of the respective Federal State and /or Chamber for Industry and Commerce will test the business plan on its feasibility. Though Germany needs businesses, the authorities still carefully examine what you plan to do here. Unwanted/unviable businesses will be denied! My associate partner is an economist and will tell the success story of your business idea to the authority's economist. Remember carefully that your application stands and falls with your business plan!

In addition to developing your company's success in a business plan for immigration purposes, you can use the business plan for subsidies, or for loans, or credit lines with your bank. For more details on subsidizing, please: click here. Grants are available from at least three different pots.

Do you want to do yourself a favor? Then describe to me in the text box below what your line of business is – elaborately. Usually, I determine the eligibility of your line of business in an initial discussion. I need to ensure that your business idea is clear and conceptually meets the requirements

Services for Spouse and Minor Child(ren)

A trailing spouse and minor children do not automatically come into Germany with the candidate. Just because the candidate applies does not mean they will get a permit at all. They have to apply themselves for a family reunion with you. In contrast to your needed support, they themselves usually do not require much attention. However, they greatly impact the financial needs the candidate might have to show. As we highly value the family, we will not bill for minors. This stands under the condition that both your “better half” and the children will travel with you, and no special attention is needed.

Are you 45 years or older?

If you are 45 years or older, you also have to receive a salary of at least € 4015 in western Germany resp. € 3905 for eastern Germany. If your salary is lower than that threshold, you will have to show an adequate pension plan or other retirement provisions. This coverage can be either the state pension plan from home, private savings, closing a German pension plan, or a mixture of all. The government wants to make sure that you will not be dependent on welfare upon retiring.

N.B. This is only relevant for the very first permit!

Our Fees

Testing your business immigration chances costs € 250. This test is like an initial consultation but with a "plus". You will get much more from this than an initial consultation. After running your test, we will be able to quote, as our support depends on our workload, and each business is different. Your line of business might need permission or certain special registrations. This and more will be determined during your business's feasibility test. 

How to hire us 

Click here for an initial consultation to pre-discuss everything with me.

If you want to test your business immigration chances, please click the button below.

Test your Business Changes

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